PennsylvaniaGov. Tom Corbettis seeking to trim $330 million, or 20 percent, from 14state-owned universities. He also wants to reduce aid to Penn State University, the University of Pittsburgh and Temple University by about 30 percent.
State colleges and universities say they wont be able toeasily absorb their cuts. Templehas already cut $76 million from its operating budget in three years, UniversityPresident Ann Weaver Hart said.
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Corbett lessened the blow for community colleges, andWhitaker thinks that is because he recognizes the role they play in highereducation, workforce development and economic recovery.
major schools Gov. Tom Corbett proposes major cuts to higher education,It marksthe second straight year Corbett has proposed slashing funding to the schools.
Instead of attacking the real causmajor schoolse of our budget problems (pensions, health care and debt), the governor again picks on the state colleges. The worst aspect - since the governor is too weak and timid to go after the real costs - well be back in the same poor situation next year.
Penn State eliminated hundreds of jobs, cut programs, mergedacademic departments and instituted a salary freeze to compensate for lastyears cuts, the university said in statement today.
i hope he is also cutting his pay, benefits, pension, etc as well. now that would be a true conservative. typical republican
He can cut the spending on higher education provided there is a way for him to freeze the cost of higher education. The burden should not be placed on the students. No one should be ced with a monstrous debt after going to college of grad school. One of our biggest problems is that we start our kids off in life buried with debt. They end up working for yeas to pay it back before they can get ahead.
he has the idea that people will skip college and jmajor schools Gov. Tom Corbett proposes major cuts to higher educationust get a job with his gas fracking friends, hey tommy boy, try putting a tax on them
Locally,Northampton Community Collegewill see a$600,000 cut in its state funding and no new money for capital projects, whichis an even bigger concern since the college has been putting off routinemaintenance, said Helen Whitaker, vice president of administrative afirs.