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But theres something even more exciting. According to Johnson,many of these dancers will be the nucleus of the Dance Theatre ofHarlem company when they come back and begin rehearsals sometimelater this year.
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But Mitchells brainchild lived. Now it is about to achieve a newmilestone, with his former prima ballerina at the helm as artisticdirector and another of his former dancers, Luveen Naidu, aecutive director, as well as a highly capable team that includesKeith Saunders and School Director Endalyn Taylor.
Dance Theatre of Harlem: The saga continues - New York Amsterdam News: Arts &Dance Theatre of Harlem: The saga continues - New York Amsterdam News: Arts & Entertainment Entertainment,Not only is DTH II, the ensemble company of this historicorganization, its New York debut at the Joyce Theater thismonth, but beginning Feb. 25 in New York, auditions will be held inpreparation for the long-awaited return of the principal balletcompany, founded in 1969 by Arthur Mitchell, Americas first Blackmale principal dancer, and the world-renowned ballet teacher KarelShook.
While the road was distinguished by phenomenal critical acclaim,amazing financial support and internationally bestowed accolades,it is no secret that in addition to innumerable peaks, DTHsjourney encountered a significant valley in 2004 when the firstcompany disbanded.
Johnson describes the young dancers as breathtaking, pointing to afew bulously talented standouts, including Devoe Jones, AshleyMurphy, Rene Bhrath, Alexander and Samuel Wilson and Fredance dance dancederickDavis.
This months Joyce season is a testament to the long road thisphenomenal institution has traveled, from a dream conceived byMitchell in 1969 following the assassination of Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr. to reality, with its 1971 debut on a raised stage in thespacious lobby of the Guggenheim Museum.
New York Amsterdam News
Pointing to the New York season, Johnson noted that the ensemble,DTH II, has honed its skills over a number of decades withperformances around the country. But, she added, of course, this isits New York premiere, so its tremendously exciting, but its alot of pressure dancing in New York because we have such discerningaudiences.
Not only is the Joyce season cause for excitement, the return ofDTH is cause for celebration.
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But lets not get ahead of ourselves, as Johnson said. First, thereis that Joyce Theater season.
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During a recent interview on the eve of both momentous events, itseemed that Johnson, herself a former critically acclaimed primaballerina with DTH, must be pinching herself.
There are 16 dancers in the ensemble; 12 of them will tour at atime in this rotating cast. You know, its hard to pull outindividual names because theyre all really very exciting for me.One of the really exciting things for me in these past two years iswatching them grow as artists, she said.
For clarification, DTH II is the second of an institution that,for a number of years, had no first company. But make no mistake,DTH II is not a placeholder; it is a delightful performance unit oftalented young dancers, many of whom have come up through theschools touring group and are thrilling to watch. It is adelightful sight to behold, and its Joyce Theater debut must not bemissed.
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Then there are the auditions for the principal company. Johnsonexclaimed, Wow, here we are days away from having dancers in thestudio! Well, its actually months, but you know how st thosedays go.
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Its a lot to take in, but she said, as if thinking out loud,Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Dance Theatre of Harlem (DTH) Artistic Director Virginia Johnsonis excited, and with good reason; exciting things are happening forthis pioneering arts institution.