Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary of ASCL, said: "This is not about excuses, it is acknowledging the challenges that schools in disadvantaged areas are dealing with, in addition to raising results".
Ofsted seems to produce extreme panic around schools, for no reason whatsoever.
She told Today: "I completely agree with SirBBC News major schools Michael that every school should have aspirations to be at least good or outstanding but it&039;s very difficult for schools, particularly in challenging circumstances".
"He is trashing the school system, trashing the reputation of Ofsted and removing anything that parents can rely on by which to judge a school.
Sir Michael told BBC Radio 4&039;s Today programme "satisctory" was no longer good enough.
Schools are furthermore expected to cure the ills of society, with the constant call of why arent schools teaching our kids about for eg healthy eating, knives, gangs or teenage . Teachers are not social workers. These extra burdens should be removed. Those subjects are surely for parents. Let teachers teach!
As a head teacher, he was credited with turning around struggling schools.
"My view is that we have tolerated mediocrity for r too long - it has settled in to the system."
The message that teachers and heads will take from todays announcement is that the chief inspector sees them as part of the problem rather than the solution.
Sir Michael Wilshaw has some sound ideas, but what they really need to do is minimise the notice given to schools, to prevent any of the more suspect practices (hiding the bad bits), so the inspectors give a school an honest judgement, which actually helps the school more!
Teaching unions have accused him of "trashing the school system".
"This is puerile game-playing at expense of schools, their teachers and pupils.
"The message that teachers and heads will take from today&039;s announcement is that the chief inspector sees them as part of the problem rather than the solution," he said.
In his speech at a school in London, in front of heads from outstanding schools, Sir Michael said: "I believe we need radical improvements to the education system in this country.
Critics of the system complain this notice prevents inspectors from seeing schools as they really are and some have accused schools of "bussing out" challenging pupils by sending them on day trips.
"If a school is not good it will be placed in a category requiring improvement. If it does not improve, it will end up in special measures."
"All parents want their children to go to good schools," he said.
With classes of 30+ children we will never obtain a decent level of teaching.
"The secretary of state&039;s strategy of letting outstanding schools automatically become academies is now in tatters."
Another change proposed is the scrapping of the "satisctory" label.
This would mean there would be three possible gradings - outstanding, good and "requires improvement" - instead of the current four.
At the moment, most schools are told a few days before an inspection when inspectors are coming in.
Sir Michael responded by pointing out there were currently 700 schools "in challenging circumstances" which were graded as "outstanding".
The new framework slimmed down the areas on which schools are measured from 27 to four categories.
Ofsted are brilliant, if it wasnt for them my son wouldnt be in such an excellent nursery. This is so typical of tmajor schoolshe Tories to want to change things, spend a fortune in the hope of saving their funders a fortune - except we always foot the bill.
He said 6,000 schools were currently graded as "satisctory" and too many of these were "coasting".
The head teachers&039; association ASCL said it welcomed the tighter focus on teaching and learning in Ofsted inspections, but said schools in challenging areas should have the same chance of a high grade as a good school in a less difficult area.
BBC News major schools,Schools will only be "outstanding" if their teaching is, Sir Michael Wilshaw confirmed.
A big change is a move to "no-notice" inspections.
Of course outstanding schools should have outstanding teaching - its a no brainier. But that means Ofsted have to spend more time in classrooms and for whole lessons. At the moment, they pop in and out, sample a very small number of only portions of lessons, leaving schools frustrated that their best practice has often not been seen at all.
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A quarter of schools rated "outstanding" are to be re-examined because their teaching did not reach the highest standard, says the new chief inspector of schools in England.
Clare Bradford, head teacher at Henbury School, a comprehensive in Bristol, is disappointed her school was recently rated only satisctory by Ofsted, despite dramatic improvement.
She said her school had seen the number of children with A to C grades rise from 13% to 46% - and it was "quite galling" to be rated only as satisctory.
Mr Trobe also said that Sir Michael&039;s comments were "damaging and demoralising dedicated professionals".
"This is no way to improve our education system, nor to treat hard working professionals who are doing the best for the young people in their care."
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Sir Michael has formally set out other changes he plans to make by the autumn in aconsultation published on Thursday.
Sir Michael said he wanted all schools to be good schools: "This is about a step change. We want to make sure we move things further forward for this nation and that the gap between best and worst and richest and poorest closes.
"I don&039;t see how you achieve outstanding status unless the quality of teaching is also outstanding," he said.
A new framework for Ofsted inspections came in last month which ended regular inspections for outstanding schools.
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"These have not closed as much as they should have."
The big problem is that OFSTEDs idea of outstanding teaching is more concerned with ticking boxes and does not reflect real classroom excellence. Teachers are afraid to teach in unconventional but highly effective ways to stimulate students minds.
Now schools with this highest overall rating but which did not get top marks for teaching ce being re-inspected.
Sir Michael told the BBC the new inspection framework would "focus on what really matters - the quality of teaching".
Heads said the notice gave them the chance to pull together all the data inspectors would want to see and arrange cover for staff the inspectors might want to talk to.
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As a teacher of 32 years experience, I agree entirely that outstanding teaching is a pre-requisite for a school to be graded outstanding.
The number of children referred into care in England hits a record high, after rising steadily in the years since the Baby P case.
In his first major speech he said "we have tolerated mediocrity for too long" and radical improvements were needed.
Chris Keates, the general secretary of the NASUWT, said Sir Michael&039;s comments called in to question "every Ofsted judgement which has ever been made on any school".